The week started when we woke up to a new layer of fresh snow. What fun! Outside we went, Waldo had already fed them and worked from home because our house is build on a small hill and even with chains it’s difficult to get out of the drive way. Luckily his job allows him to work from home.
When the pups arrived here on New Years Day we also had snow, lots of it and they have been out in the snow before but I think they didn’t remember that. This was a whole new experience to them. They run around like little madmen and chased each other kicking up the snow, it was a joy to see ;-)
Below are a few pics I tried to make when they were chasing each other. They run so fast it's difficult to get a good shot ;-) Please click on them to see a bigger version.
I almost got them!
Here Lass spots a garden butterfly ornament. It was there for ages but she acts like she sees it for the first time. Carefully approaching it with her hind legs stretched out, and being bold taking another step...... She's a very careful, little dog who doesn't rush into things. ;-)
Fynn, daring his sister to play ;-) I love the bit of snow on is nose and his little pink feet.
After an hour of snow play it's good to sleep on on your comfy bed and snoooooooooze
The week went by without much exciting things happening. Aunt Vicki came by(again! yeah!) to see the pups a after she picked up 2 other rescue Border Collies in Troutdale from Baker City. The 2 of us took the opportunity to trim the pups nails, they were sharp little spikes that make nasty scratches on your face or hands. Holding one wiggly puppy yourself and than clip his nails is nearly impossible but 2 clever adults got the job done. ;-) They all look presentable again.
We decided that next weekend would be a good time to list the pups for adoption, they will be 9 and 10 weeks old by than. We have given them time to recover from their infections, we know their personalities a bit better now and they have had their first round of shots.
It will be exciting to see who will think these pups are as gorgeous and wonderful as we think they are. I hope everyone will realize that taking in a pup is a 14 - 16 year commitment and you have to be serious about providing care and activities for these little guys and know that Border Collie age slowly, they stay pups and teens for a very long time. (2 years) before reaching adult hood. That can be a loooong time ;-) I'm convinced they all will make wonderful loving well behaved companions to whomever is going to have the joy of sharing their life with them.
a slide show of our snow photo's
Would you like to see the snow photo's album with full size photo's? Click here!
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