This weekend a visit to the pet store was planned and a visit to the vet for the first round of vaccinations and the second dewormer.
The pet store because they needed a little harness and a leash, they are too big to be carried in a crate to the vets. That was fun, they got to sit in the shopping cart at our local PetSmart and got oooohhhed and aaaaahed all over by all the shoppers. Good for socialization ;-) We found nice little harnesses, a red one for Fynn and a blue one for Lass. They looked pretty smart in it and we have the photo's to proof it! ;-)
Now walking with those things on is a whole different story. ;-)
Although both did alright for their first time! We walked into the vet office without having to carry them. That's a major progress! What good little puppies!
Lass was a bit shy and wanted to see who these people were, as usual, before drooling all over them and giving puppy kisses. Fynn however was outgoing as ever and gave everyone who wanted puppy kisses and asked for belly rubs.
Lass getting loads of attention from desk person at the vet's office
We left Lass with the desk person who took her to the back to show her off to other vet techs and vets to socialize and get loads cuddles and attention and we took Fynn into the room to be weighed and to get a shot.
Fynn weighs 9 pound and 4 ounces! He more than doubled in size since the last time we were here! They cleverly distracted him with a treat while they took temp and gave a shot. He than got an extra special treat with the Drontal and he was done, it was now his turn to get extra love from the vet techs in the back and we switched pups.
Lass wasn't too sure about all this and she made her most pitiful 'I'm scared face' I have ever seen ;-)
Lass weighs 11 pounds and 2 ounces and although Fynn looks sturdier than Lass, Lass is actually heavier and bigger. I guess that extra week older is showing through. ;-)
She also ate her treats, I was worry for a moment she would refuse them but she came trough as a tough little Border Collie. She also got her shot and the Drontal and after some more cuddles and puppy kisses we said goodbye, see you in 3 weeks and went home.
This was a vet tech appointment, we did not see the vet this time. It's handy it saves some money.
They both slept for a few hours after all this excitement but had no noticeable problem with the shots, they were chasing each other like there was no tomorrow again after a few hours of sleep.
I have put the links to the all photo albums on the right side under 'Photo's' please click there to see more photo's of the visit to the vet clinic.
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