Unfortunately her new dad, Steve, couldn't make it her came down with a high fever yesterday and had to stay home frustrated waiting for her. ;-)
She looked so cute and handsome with her red harness on that we bought for her. She took her blanky and her drooled and chewed over ducky with her plus her food and kibble.
She and I had our little talk yesterday evening when we knew her people were coming for her and I told her that she as small as she was already made me so proud and gave me so much joy and love and that she always had a home here with us.
After all papers were signed and administrative stuff was over with this afternoon I kissed her tiny soft muzzle and than they were gone.
I didn't cry, I knew she is at an awesome family and she will get everything we ever wished for her
Her little brother walked around but didn't look for her. He was on my arm when we walked them to the car, maybe he knew she left.
We al went for a nap and for the first time Fynn napped close snuggled up to me on the bed, running in his sleep with his thick paws and making little suckling noise with his mouth that they still make when they are so little. ;-)
It will be good to have him just for myself a little while longer, having one on one time is so much different than with other wee ones around biting your hair and piercing your ears for a new set of earrings!
Here is the photo I made of Lass with her new mom Karen and her grandmom.
Have a great life Lass! And Steve and Karen, I hope you will keep us posted with photos and stories! Can't wait to hear how she met her new doggy family!
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