I ordered a new addition for the pen so we could build a bigger one with a crate in it and more room to play. These modular pens are wonderful, you can set them up in every shape and size that you want to. We now have 12 pieces and can do a lot with that.
They are North States Superyard pen and are marketed as a baby play yard but are excellent for pups.
This picture shows 6 units but have 12 of them. I got a good deal on them at Amazon, well worth it.
Pups went to the vet this Saturday, all 4 of them in a crate, for a check up and I wanted her advice on their age and the diarrhea that worried me. I know all pups go through a transition time and they went probably very abrupt from mom’s milk to eating kibble at the shelter worker’s home but still, it didn’t look right to me.
Our vet was very generous in taking 1 1/2 hours to examine and talk about them, she and another vet at the clinic stated that it’s obvious the boys are at least a week younger than the girls making them from a different litter. They were a big hit at the clinic of course and all came in to see them. A fecal exam was done and they got their dewormer, were weighed, and got a clean bill of health.(except for the diarrhea of course) Funny thing was that they went potty in their crate, all 4 rolled through it and the vet techs generously took them and the crate to the back, gave them a bath and cleaned the crate, put them in an empty kennel where they poo’ed right away again! Quickly got them out of the kennel and into another before they could walk through it again. ;-) Yep, 4 pups definitely keep you busy ;-)
We drew up a wellness plan, at 8 - 9 weeks their first shots plus another Drontal. Our vet vaccinates less than others do, all vaccinations are given for 3 years, not just the rabies one. She advised to spay/neuter them at 20 weeks so that will probably mean they have to be adopted with a spay/neuter contract, unless I decide to spay/neuter them earlier.
At Monday early morning the vet called with the news of the fecal exam, and it wasn’t good. They tested positive for Giardia and Campylobacteriosis bacterial infection. Both bad for them and for me. I have an immunodeficiency, illness which left me disabled and any virus or infection is difficult to fight and concur, so I had to be very very careful as Campylobacteriosis bacteria can wreck havoc in humans. Bought a large pack of disposable gloves and disinfectant and Betadine hand scrub. They pups got the right medication from the compounding pharmacy in chicken flavor which made administering it a breeze, they all thought it was a treat. ;-) We could notice a difference very quickly, their stools became much more solid and they perked up even more ;-)
They play so much and so funny and it’s amazing to see how they can run and play and than drop and fall asleep on the spot like they have been shot.
The snow is finally beginning to melt and we all went outside to check out the yard. They have been very good at learning how to go potty on their doggy litter pans and wee wee pads. In the heat of a play fight they do forget every now and than but still, I think it’s very good progress for such young pups. We took a bunch of pictures again of course and I made a small video of them playing in the cat agility tunnel, can’t start too early practicing that!
Their little personalities start to show more and more, Little Miss Erin is Miss Independent, smart and quick to learn but likes to run off on her own and hide with a treat or run away with a toy. Outside she checks out the yard on her own and wanders away from the pack.
Liam is the smallest of the boys and is a very busy bee trying to become the pack leader and top dog, that doesn’t leave him much time for sleep and rest, it seems he always sleeps with one eye open ;-)
Liam and Fynn in their crate
Fynn, is just a sweet little boy, he suffered from anxiety the first few days and I guessed he missed his mom, he had also trouble eating and looked just depressed to me. I bought a small baby bottle and made some rice cereal with goat milk(it resembles dog mom’s milk the best) and let him drink the bottle. After a few days he seemed much more content and happier and is now playing just and hard and happy as they others. A simple solution to a painful emotional problem ;-)
Lass is a laid back little dog, she loves to cuddle, is easy going and is very smart. I guess we will wait and see how she develops the next few weeks.
How to keep 4 pups on a chair? ;-)
Left to right: Erin, Fynn, Liam and Lass
Left to right: Liam, Lass, Fynn, Erin
Finally at the end of the day, after play time, right before bedtime, it’s....... Treat Time!
Upper Left: Erin, Lass and at the bottom, left Fynn and Liam
For photos of their second week click here!
For video of playing with the tunnel click here!
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